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Develop the habits that make you

From our school days, we are continuously hearing that good habit decides our future, success, career, etc. 

We all want to live a super successful life but do we really devote time to think what are all the habits can lead us towards living that desirable successful and satisfying life?

                                                           YES     or     NO

The answer is "Through the consistent efforts of developing the habits" 

How habits help us?

Constructive habits strengthen your willpower, contrary to this; destructive habits weaken your willpower and only provide you temporary pleasures. 

It's a game of choice which one you pick. 

To live a happy, satisfying, and successful life, you have to work on your habits. You all have your own sets of strengths and weaknesses. Habits are directly proportional to your success. Every one of us needs introspection about what makes us and this involves deep thinking and then action. 

When I am in a state of confusion and quest to find answers, I ask questions to myself, and a trail of answers comes up in my mind after introspection. It's up to you what you need to learn or unlearn and to develop constructive habits. You surely need to break old wiring and train yourself. Find a strong reason to develop the habit. Ask yourself why you want to develop this habit and what all the benefits you will get are. This will automatically push you to get those rewards or benefits. 

Asking the right question is mandatory to make some changes and grow you. Whatever is the situation keeps growing.   

We are all want to develop many habits in our life. Baby steps strategy would help you. 

Stop waiting for the perfect time

Most of the time we wait for the perfect moment to come when we will start developing new habits. Be generous to yourself and take action. Waiting for the perfect tie won't solve your problems. Get up and start today.  

Pick one habit at a time

Decide a habit that you want to develop and pick one by one. Change takes time. Don't rush to develop all at the same time you won't be able to focus on all and would be exhausted.  

Start with a small change 

Make small efforts for consistent results with continuous practice of learning. Make more space in your life by unlearning bad habits and discard them. 

Track your progress

Once you start taking small efforts, start making note of your progress. This would motivate you to walk further and you will be on track of developing habits. Distraction would lay your path but remember why you want to develop that particular habit. 

Practice daily

The power of consistent learning will blow your mind. Make a routine. If you spend time with your habit, your habit would become part of you and your personality.  

Take these steps to build any habit and your character. Live life as you want.  




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