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Build Reading habit

A lot of people ask me how I find the time to read books in my busy schedule. Reading habits have provided me lot of experience and expanded the horizon of thinking even with less traveling experiences. 

We all know the reading habit is good but most people find it very difficult to build and enjoy. This habit releases stress, soothe brain when a hassling lifestyle consumes our energy in a day to day activities.

If building reading habits seems difficult or impossible for you, just come along with me to know how to build reading habits.  

Here, I am going to share my experiences. This would cover points to start building reading habits and how to utilize time wisely. These tips and tricks would help only those who genuinely want to develop this habit

Stop procrastination

This is a killer of time as well as your vibrant energy. Take a charge and stop blaming the situations. This thinking pattern of postponing the things would not allow us to take a deeper dive. 

Read articles 

If you want to build the habit of reading, you can start reading short articles on the topic of your interest. A daily dose of reading short articles would motivate you to read a book of a particular topic. 

Pick an πŸ“– of your interest

After a daily dose of information, now you are ready to build the habit of reading a book. Pick a book start to read for 10- 15minutes in a day.

Schedule time⏰

If possible, dedicate time to read books. Otherwise don’t bother so much just go with the flow but read.   


A key point to building any habit is the involvement of consistent efforts. Once you pick a book of your choice, just read it every day even a small piece of it would suffice.

Reading books is like creating a mental account.
                                                                                                                 Kamini Khatak

Maintain Book πŸ“…

Make a list of books which you would like to read in the whole month. This would inspire you to finish the task of the day. The calendar would help you to track the books you have read and how many more you want to read.  

Involve accountable partner πŸ‘­

Involving your friends or family member as an accountability partner is great. This would make a small group of like-minded people where the progress of one person would help you become consistent to read books.

Audio Books

If you are short of time or have an extremely busy schedule, you can start listening to audiobooks. Register yourself for an available online platform where you can finish the book faster.   

Reduce consumption of Social Media πŸ“ΊπŸ“±

If you observe yourself, you kill your time by spending it on the unnecessary pieces of stuff on the internet or Television. If you genuinely want to build the habit of reading books avoid spending more time on social media. Be smart. 

Spare Time ⌚

You do get little buffer or spare time thought out a day. This time can be utilized to recreate your habits such as reading books.

Commute Time πŸš‡

If you are in a job, traveling time is a source of reading or listens to books. 


This is the best way to reward yourself. This creates self accomplishing feeling and act as motivating factors for you to share experiences and build a strong foundation for reading more books.

Read More:

Keep Reading, Keep Shining

Kamini Khatak



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