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Be true to yourself

We sometimes try to fool our minds.
But deep within we know who we are and what we desire. Then, go deeper and deeper to know about your true self.

Being a thinker, I love to give meaning to everything. Everyday learning and dealing with others teaches me to be true to myself. This feeling of being true to me circulates that energy that I always find in me. My inner self gives me answers.

If you are reading this blog post, it means you are also in search of finding your true self.
We are all unique in some of the other ways. The way we all think, act, plan, and react is different.

But "Be true to yourself"

Your inner instinct gives meaning to you and your life. It's your life; create it the way you want. We all have some core qualities that allow us to do certain things. Everyone will not like the way you like. So, don't become a people pleaser.

Let’s, start with some points of identifying your inner self and ways to be real the way you are. 

I personally believe in this quality. We are designed by our wishes, desires, goals, purpose, and dreams. Integrity is a core part of our personality. Whatever is the situation, our integrity helps us to handle it. Maintain integrity that defines you who you are.

Connect with emotions
We are living creatures. We all full of feelings and emotions that are one of the deciding factors of who we are. We mostly are derived from our emotions. But in the hassled life we lost that connection with our feelings and emotions. So connect yourself with it and this circulates true feelings in you and becomes true to yourself. 

Be present
Our hectic lifestyle doesn't allow us to focus on the present moment. Most of us keep thinking about future outcomes. Enhance the power of awareness so that you live your current moment fully. Live present moment before it becomes a memory. 

Self Talk
What you talk to yourself that makes you. Indulge and observe your talk, this helps you to know about yourself. Be real and true to yourself.

Be realistic
This world is full of fancy things that attract us. Identify practical ways to know more about yourself. You become what you think and do. Being a realistic person, your actions become real. This connects you with your real version

Self-analysis is the best medicine to recognize real you and then only you can be true to yourself. Find out who you are after analysis.

Being true to yourself you must be open-minded. An open mind person will have a light and cheerful life since the open mind is a great receiver and channelize your energy to know the real you. Open-minded attitude leads you towards a healthy and happy life.     

Be Responsible
Take the responsibility in your life what is happening in life. Narrow-minded people play the blame game. Be responsible, this balances and control your life effectively.  

Accept yourself
We all commit mistakes but doesn’t mean we keep having that guilt feeling. Accepting yourself with all the mistakes and grow out of it makes you a more sensible person. Moreover, this helps you to become a better version of yourself as well as being true to yourself.
With all these points I have identified the ways to be true to myself. I hope this would help you too.

Keep Reading, Keep Shining

                                                                         Kamini Khatak


  1. Really helpful.......I will always try to be the best version of myself ..good work di...keep it up...

    1. Thank You so much for encouraging comment. Keep evolving. Stay Happy.

  2. WOW..... You have done a great work...


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